Rosenbauer Group
Rosenbauer is the worlds leading manufacturer of systems for firefighting and disaster protection. For more than 150 years, the name has stood for significant innovations and ground-breaking technology in the manufacture of firefighting vehicles and extinguishing systems in accordance with European and US standards.Today, Rosenbauer employs more than 4,000 people and has a global service and sales network in more than 100 countries. "Growth through future-oriented innovation" describes both the market leader's strategy and a benchmark that can only be achieved by highly qualified and motivated employees. It is the creativity, commitment, and enthusiasm of Rosenbauer employees that ensure the company's top international position. So why not become a member of the Rosenbauer team?
1 Jobs Found
Rosenbauer Group
Električar (m/ž)
3 weeks ago Engineering Ljubljana Full-time € Ihre Aufgabenelektro-montažna dela,opravljanje vzdrževalnih del na vozilihupoštevanje elektro shem in kosovnicsestavljanje komponent ali delov v različne vrste izdelkov v sklad...