Established in 2018, Bitget is the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange and web3 company.Currently serving more than eight million users across 60 countries.Since June 2019, the platform has become one of the largest crypto copy trading and derivatives exchanges in the world, with the latest round of financing launching the company into a multi-billion dollar valuation.CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko, have consistently ranked Bitget in the top five globally for derivatives trading by volume.Bitget has launched three first-of-its-kind flagship products USDT-Margined Futures, Copy Trading, and Quanto Swap Futures in three years.Bitget has become the worlds largest crypto copy trading platform, with over 110,000 elite traders and 520,000+ copy trading followers.Bitget ensures the safety and stability of user funds with a $300,000,000 Protection Fund.Bitget offers a comprehensive trading experience with 500+ spot trading pairs.Our platform witnesses a daily spot trading volume of $500,000,000, contributing to the vibrant and dynamic crypto market.We are proud to have a dedicated team of 1300 employees who are passionate about revolutionizing the world of cryptocurrency trading.Bitget is the official crypto partner for Leo Messi, winner of a record-breaking seven Ballon d'Ors, and the sleeve sponsorship partner for Juventus, Italys oldest and most successful club.As the worlds fifth biggest derivatives exchange and the worlds largest cryptocurrency derivatives copy trade platform, Bitget continues to lead the industry, providing innovative solutions and empowering traders worldwide.

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Freelancer Recruiter.

2 weeks ago   IT & Telecoms   Nassau Full-time   $
About the RoleWe are seeking a dedicatedFreelancer Recruiterto support our recruitment efforts in the Latin America. This is an exciting opportunity for individuals passionate abo...